Issue Thresholds

Taking your issues seriously is very beneficial in long term to keep your project nice and clean. By adding a small configuration to your repository you can leverage a visual and functional threshold in Codeac.

Codeac Bitbucket Issue Thresholds

You can define the maximum number of errors or total issues that are acceptable for your team simply by adding .codeac.yml file into the root of your repository. Codeac will then interpret your limits in the user interface and give you visual feedback when you are violating those limits.


version: '1'

    error: 10
    total: 50

When the number of issues is lower than the threshold, Codeac will signal a   success state to your GIT provider. If you violate any of the thresholds Codeac will signal a   fail state instead. If the threshold is not specified, Codeac will signal a success to all commits with finished analysis. The failed state is used only when the whole analysis fails, for example with configuration issues or other errors.

  GitHub Integration

GitHub interprets commit states very clearly right next to each commit date. By clicking on the state you can get more information about the specific analysis.

Codeac GitHub Commits

Codeac is listed as one of the Continuous Integration builds in the commit. By clicking on the build you will be taken to the detail of the analysis where you can inspect all the issues.

Codeac Github Builds

  Bitbucket Integration

Commit states are interpreted very clearly right next to each commit message. By clicking on the state you can get more information about the specific build.

Codeac Bitbucket Commits

Codeac is listed as one of the CI builds in the commit. By clicking on the build you will be taken to the detail of the analysis where you can inspect all the issues.

Codeac Bitbucket Builds

  GitLab Integration

Commit states are interpreted very clearly right next to each commit message. By clicking on the state you can get more information about the specific build.

Codeac GitLab Commits

Codeac is listed as one of the CI builds in the commit. By clicking on the build you will be taken to the detail of the analysis where you can inspect all the issues.

Codeac GitLab Builds